Essential to the development and maintenance of the brain, cell specialisation, skin, eyes, and contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system.
A well-known antioxidant, it protects us from 'free radicals' and assists with immunity. Vitamin C is an essential cofactor for the enzymes that make our neurotransmitters, and several enzymes require it to function. Our nerve cells use Vitamin C to make the neurotransmitters Dopamine and Norepinephrine.Vitamin C is also essential for the enzymes that make collagen in the brain's blood vessels. It contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue, contributes to normal psychological function and normal function of the nervous system.
Essential for the brain to process proteins, carbs and fats to make energy and metabolise amino acids. It's often deficient in those with a high sugar diet, following alcohol consumption or even certain prescription drugs. A mild deficiency can cause memory loss, confusion and irritability.
Necessary for the brain to make amino acids, proteins, hormones and build cell membranes. Deficiency is linked to the loss of demyelination of the nerve cells and impairing mental performance.
B6 is essential for at least 100 enzymes and allows the brain to make crucial neurotransmitters. It promotes relaxation and is a mood booster. It also helps to regulate hormones and contributes to 'normal' psychological function.
Essential for the structure of the brain and nervous system. Higher levels of B12 are linked to better mood, behaviour and mental clarity. It reduces tiredness, fatigue and helps with cell division.
Great for bone growth, Vitamin D is also essential for organ growth - playing a central role in cell division and muscle function. D3, in particular, is called the sunshine vitamin, as ultraviolet light stimulates our skin to produce it. It promotes a healthy mood and cognitive function.
This amino acid is required for the production of the neurotransmitters dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine. Having ample levels of L Tyrosine in the brain promotes mental clarity and aids in dealing with stressful situations.
This modified amino acid is naturally made in the brain. It is readily converted to Serotonin, known for promoting a positive mood. It's also an excellent antioxidant for the brain and has been known to improve brain activity.
Iron supplementation can improve cognitive function, energy levels and the transportation of oxygen in the body. All of this can have an effect on the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.
Zinc is essential for 100 enzymes and other proteins that affect daily life processes. It promotes the healthy development of the brain, thymus gland and spinal cord. It also contributes to normal cognitive function, cell division and protects the cells from oxidative stress.
Magnesium is an essential mineral for all cells. It stimulates the electrical activity of the brain's nerve cells and promotes the healthy function of information connections (synapses) within the brain.
Required by 25 proteins and enzymes that regulate gene activity, Selenium assists in protein synthesis and cell-to-cell communications. Excellent for nails and hair - it protects cells from oxidative stress.
Used in Asian cultures, Green Tea supports concentration and learning. It contributes to maintaining blood vessels and increasing blood flow to the brain. It's also used to assist memory function, defend against memory problems associated with ageing, and protect brain cells from oxidative damage.
Choline is essential in forming acetylcholine - a neurotransmitter in the brain that helps promote mental function. Choline has been known to enhance focus, support memory function, and improve calmness.
Promotes a healthy blood flow for optimum brain function. It has many antioxidants that shield the brain from toxins whilst supporting mental sharpness. It's believed to assist cognitive function, help maintain mental wellbeing, and support memory as we age. Additionally, it also helps with memory retention and recall, clear thinking, and day to day focus.
A compound that's believed to boost mood, enhance memory and improve brain function. It increases the production of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that is crucial for nerve cell signalling. It may prevent the buildup of beta-amyloid in the brain, which is linked to age-related decline and memory loss. It may benefit those with attention issues, Alzheimer’s or Dementia.
This botanical has been used for centuries by Ayurvedic medical practitioners in improving memory and reducing anxiety. It can be used to help with ADHD, Alzheimer's, memory and cognition.
An ancient Ayurvedic botanical used for centuries to support 'normal' psychological functions, stimulate and support cognitive function, and improve concentration. Naturally occurring ginsenosides play a role in improving focus and sharpening memory. It is considered an adaptogen which means it is believed to help your body manage stress more effectively as it can reduce cortisol - the hormone your adrenal gland produces in response to stress. Ginseng promotes the release of nitric oxide, which opens blood vessels and improves blood flow to the brain.
Omega 3s are fatty acids that form the building blocks of the brain - vital for function and development. Those struggling with attention disorders should ensure their brains receive the correct nutrients to maintain optimum function. It can be tricky to ingest these ingredients naturally as our bodies are not so efficient in converting them. EPA is present in the membranes of our cells. It's the source of substances called eicosanoids that help to regulate healthy cells, tissues and organs. It's been known to promote a healthy mood and heart. DHA is a building block for all human cells. It facilitates nerve cells to make functional connections (synapses) and supports healthy memory and overall cognition. Research is underway regarding the role of DHA in attention disorders, and in many instances, children testing positive have been found to have a naturally lower DHA level. Research is also being undertaken regarding the role of EPA levels in cases of depression. Similarly, the levels of DHA found in Alzheimer & dementia patients are prompting additional studies. It is thought DHA may reduce the risk of decline in mental abilities.