Creating an Organised School Routine for Kids with ADHD

As the back-to-school season approaches, it's the perfect time to reassess and establish a daily routine that helps your child with ADHD thrive. Transitioning from the relaxed days of summer to the structured demands of the school year can be challenging, especially for children who struggle with organisation and focus. Crafting a routine that works for both you and your child can make this transition smoother and set the stage for a successful school year. The key is to involve your child in designing their routine. This collaborative approach not only reduces resistance but also fosters a sense of responsibility and investment in their daily schedule.

Here’s how you can work together to create an organised routine that supports your child's needs and promotes a positive start to the school year.

Collaborate on Morning Routines

Start by discussing the morning routine with your child to find out what works best for them:

- Breakfast Timing:
  Ask your child whether they prefer to eat breakfast before getting dressed or after. Some children find that having a meal first helps them focus better, while others may prefer to eat after they’re ready.

- Wake-Up Preferences:  
  Discuss whether your child would rather wake up slowly with some quiet time or if they prefer to stay in bed as long as possible. Tailor their wake-up time to fit their preference to make mornings less rushed and more pleasant.

- Packing the Night Before:  
  Encourage your child to pack their school bag the night before. Present it as a choice rather than a rule. For example, you might say, “How about we try packing your bag tonight so you can have a little extra sleep in the morning?” This approach helps them feel in control and reduces morning chaos.

- Decide together when dinner will be served and when homework should be completed. This might involve selecting a specific time for each task and choosing a comfortable spot for homework that minimises distractions.
 - Work with your child to determine the best times for bath and bedtime routines. Discuss when they should start winding down and when the lights should be turned off. A consistent bedtime helps regulate their sleep cycle and improves overall well-being.
Remember that routines may need adjustments as your child grows or as circumstances change. Regularly check in with your child to see how they feel about the routine and make changes as needed. This ongoing dialogue helps them feel involved and invested in their schedule.

Consider Incorporating Supplements for Cognitive Support

In addition to a well-structured routine, you might consider incorporating supplements to support your child’s cognitive development and focus. Cognitively Focus for Kids is a daily nootropic designed specifically for children aged 3-17. It comes in a mild chocolate flavour, making it easy for kids to enjoy. This supplement is formulated with key ingredients known to enhance cognitive function, including:

- Ginkgo Biloba
- L-Theanine (from Green Tea)
- Magnesium
- Vitamins B6, C, D3
- Zinc

By involving your child in the creation of their routine and considering additional cognitive support like Cognitively Focus for Kids, you not only reduce resistance but also help them develop a sense of responsibility and self-management. A well-designed routine, supported by the right supplements, can make a significant difference in their ability to stay organised, focused, and calm throughout the school year.

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